Macintosh Electronics

Regarding MacPIC...

Many people are probably wondering what has happened to the MacPIC program these last couple of years. Truth is, changes to the Macintosh operating system made for problems with the editor section (derived from the WASTE text editor system), and gave some difficulties in moving it forward. With the advent of OS X, the "classic" version has become somewhat dated.

Introducing MacrocASM...

Therefore, I have started re-writing from scratch the basics of the compiler portion of MacPIC, with appropriate hooks simulator and programmer codes. To make the program more useful, I have adopted an XML approach to definitions for the microcontroller and the assembler format. This will allow others to add new chip definitions without additional coding being required. Simulators and programmers will work on a Plugin style basis.

A beta version is now available, and can be downloaded by clicking on the link below. Manuals are installed by default, but example projects for programmers and simulators require that you use the custom install button.

The amount of work I continue to put into MacrocASM will be related to the amount of support of the user community, how many chip, assembler, simulator, and programmer definitions get created for the project.

The MacrocASM program can be downloaded from the MacrocASM page.

I now have removed the MacPIC links from my server, now that MacrocASM is at least usable.

Thanks for your patience...

Kevin Coble